Pizarro Law, LLC
Excellence in Practice
With almost a decade of experience specializing in the area of Family Law, we remain steadfast in our desire and commitment in providing our Client’s with a wrap around approach evidenced by a larger more encompassing continuum of services.

Family Law & Real Estate , Chicagoland Area
Our suite of services...
At Pizarro Law, LLC, we provide the following legal services.
From simple uncontested Divorces to extensive heated debates we're here to guide you through the process while zealously fighting to ensure you obtain an equitable division of the marital estate.
Parentage & Child Support
In parentage matters and in marriages involving children, finalizing the details in an Allocation for Parental Responsibilities and securing the equitable division of Parenting Time between you and your partner and/or spouse can be exhaustive and stressful.
We are here to help ease the process through the application of creative, detailed and skillful document drafting where the interests and stability of the child are always at the forefront of everything we do.
Custody & Guardianship
Demonstrating you are a fit and proper person that should be granted Custody and Guardianship of your minor child, unshared with the other biological parent, is not an easy feat, it's even harder for a biological non-parent relative seeking parental responsibilities.
We can help you navigate petitioning and garnering the parental rights you are seeking in your pursuit of the custody and guardianship of a neglected or abandoned minor child.
Pre & Post Nuptial Agreements
Premarital agreements can be uncomfortable to negotiate, let alone discuss, especially as your nuptials are nearing. Let us negotiate for you. Let us create the documents that protect your assets should your happy marriage end in a divorce.
We can also protect you post the "I DO's" should you find yourself acquiring substantial assets or earning a considerable income after your nuptials that you desire to maintain buffered, protected and undividable in a divorce.
Real Estate
When buying or selling your home, a piece of property, commercial or investment, you want to have the peace of mind knowing that all the "i's" have been dotted and the "t's" crossed to ensure that you and your assets are protected. We review all the nooks and crannies of a contract so you don't have to.
Small Business Development
When you're a Small Business legal services can feel like a luxury: out of reach and unaffordable. We, on the other hand, would argue you can't afford not to have legal services. You've worked so hard to brainchild a business, let us help you protect your ideas, your passion, and your dreams.
We will assist you in creating a pathway to success, individualized to you and your Business needs. From creating an LLC to navigating employment solutions and employment contracts we are here to help you succeed, one Small Business at a time.
Probate & Estate Planning
Losing a loved one is never easy and it's even harder and more complex when having to sort through their assets, navigating creditor claims and playing referee as family members fight over the pieces of life and history your loved one left behind, as you move through the Probate process. Without a plan, the state can distribute the deceased's assets, determine legal beneficiaries and cloud what's most important- maintaining and protecting the history that was inevitably left behind.
We can help you maintain your legacy and help you avoid having your estate go through Probate by establishing a comprehensive plan allowing your heirs to inherit your property, your memories and your family heirlooms, by being purposeful, intentional and deliberate while still living.
We are ready to help you.
Connect with us.
Family Law & Real Estate Lawyer
About Pizarro Law, LLC
As a Female Minority owned and run law firm, we are committed to not only supporting local and global initiatives around empowerment and access to legal assistance, but also actively participating in the ways in which we can make a positive impact.
Our commitment to helping each and every client achieve the best outcome for their specific situation is the firm's top priority. Our firm provides the comprehensive expertise to successfully meet and exceed the many challenges and facets of Family Law, including so many of the issues that are associated with it. We deliver high and uncompromising standards across a variety of disciplines while meticulously tailoring to the needs of each individual client.
We know firsthand that divorces can be anything but easy, but we work creatively to to come to the most efficient and best resolution possible. From working through collaborative divorces and mediating issues to the most contentious divorces, our goal is to always support you along the way with tons of compassion and a little tough love. While there is no cookie-cutter way to go from beginning to end, as every client's needs are different and every circumstance is not the same, we are resolute in resolving everything from the minutia to the complex and high-stakes disputes as well as everything in between. We take pride in preparing individualized plans for each of our clients that is specific to their basic and future needs taking into account their current circumstance.
We will defend you throughout the entire process while hoping to empower you along the way because divorce is not the end of your story but rather the beginning of your new chapter.
Mayra Pizarro founded the firm in 2022, after having worked in the field over 8 years where she was Co-Counsel to a sole practitioner for 1 year and then left to spearhead the family law division of a small firm for 3 of those years. Mayra offers skilled representation and legal counsel across a myriad of legal disciplines, though she specializes in family law and real estate.
Mayra is constantly striving for excellence while zealously pursuing justice on behalf of her clients. She is a tireless advocate both in and outside of court, which many, including opposing counsels, can attest to. She leads the firm’s initiatives in providing legal supportive services to the underrepresented through her on-going commitment to pro bono work.
Mayra graduated from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana with a BA in Sociology and a minor in Pre-Law, completed the Granstsmanship Training Program at the Grantsmanship Center Institute, the Executive Education Program with Loyola University and received her J.D. with an International & Comparative Law Certificate from DePaul College of Law in 2011. As a law student, she was a competing member in the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot in Vienna, Austria, she obtained her 711 License to mediate for pro se clients, and partook in European Legal Studies, International Business Organizations and International Human Rights study abroad Programs. During her time at DePaul Law School she held a leadership position in the Latino Law Student Association as an Academic Chair and held both the Secretary and Vive President positions for the Women’s Bar Association.
Currently, she is an active member of the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois, the Chicago Bar Association, the Illinois State Bar Association, the Association of Latino Professionals of America, Associate Lady Lawyers who Lunch, the Hispanic Lawyers Association of Illinois, the Puerto Rican Bar Association and a newly admitted volunteer for Chicago Volunteer Legal Services where she will provide Guardian a Litem and Child Representative services for income qualifying clients. Mayra remains steadfast in her commitment to her community, to her work in the DV world and to providing access to information subsidized by the firm.
Mayra is no stranger to divorce, which is also why she understands the feelings of uncertainty that can become so overwhelming as to feel paralyzing. She also understands the complexities of the outcomes for each and every decision made, both big and small. She is a straight shooter and offers her clients compassion and empathy with a handful of tough love. She will creatively navigate your needs while aggressively negotiating your desires in an effort to obtain a settlement that provides you the peace of mind you want while attempting to avoid any unnecessary time and money with needless litigation.
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Pizarro Law, LLC
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Willis Tower- 233 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 4400
Chicago, IL 60606
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